Doc, here is a good tip and how I manage my life…
Have 3 standard cheap 8.5 by 11 inch binder paper notepads with you virtually all the time.
I keep mine in a black business looking backpack made by PacSafe.
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…one dedicated to ChiroTrust and anything related to working “ON” (not “IN”) your practice.
…one dedicated to working “IN” your practice.
…and one for your personal life.
3 notepads.
Every night, make a very small list of things that you want to do and ideally get DONE the following day related to each notepad.
Check off what you get done and in the evening, whatever you didn’t finish gets put on a new piece of paper.
That day’s sheet gets tossed out.
What this will do for you is add more intention, progress, and results to each day.
Of course, as it relates to your practice, you will use 2 out of the 3 notepads only Monday-Thursdays and Sunday-Wednesday EVENINGS. (For thinking and planning.)
There’s something about writing things down versus digitally entering on a computer, iPad, or smartphone… it’s just more effective.
Just this tip and habit alone will drastically improve your life.