Some of you think I’m nuts and you’re probably right.
Trust me, the expense in money and time adds up.
A book a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
So why do I do it?
The more content I ingest, the better I become.
So ultimately, I do it for you.
Sure, some books suck. But that’s not the point.
I love daily rituals.
I love discipline.
I love doing what most people won’t.
If it sounds nuts, and it provides value for others, I want in.
Any ritual that makes me better, I’ll do.
Daily rituals reduce my thinking down to what’s important.
Daily rituals push out distractions.
Daily rituals keep me from wondering what to do next.
Daily rituals (a byproduct of creating and testing habits) maintain momentum.
Daily rituals keeps me calm, productive, and effective.
But why books?
Books keep me in the moment.
Books stimulate parts of my brain that most everything else does not.
Books provide me information and insight quicker than daily life, people, and interaction experience alone. Books buy speed.
It’s why I read them and it is why
you should read my book summaries…
You will get the same benefit but in the fraction of the time that it takes me. (If you need to upgrade your membership, call Larry at 925-743-3779.)
And that’s what ChiroTrust is ultimately about:
Saving you time.