If you put everything you got into your work like I do, then you enjoy and need your 3 consecutive days off each and every week.
You need them to decompress, relax, and rejuvenate.
Without my Fridays – Sundays off, I’m certain that I wouldn’t have been able to create ChiroTrust as it is today.
Most ChiroTrust members take every Friday through Sunday off too and I get a ton of pleasure out of making it possible for them to do just that.
Creating an elegant and efficient practice with the least amount of complexities, in my observation, creates the most fulfilled, balanced, and successful Chiropractor….and taking every Friday –Sunday off is one of those counterintuitive ways to grow a practice.
Here are a few ways that I have improved my time off…
- Come Thursday night, I check out of work. Nothing work-related gets done ‘til Monday morning… I let the ChiroTrust marketing systems work for me. You can do the same thing.
- I do a few mindless but productive activities, typically around the home. I fiddle in the garage, work on the house, or hang out at the Farmers market. It helps ground me.
- I strategically plan my 3 days off so that I get the most enjoyment out of them as possible. I still wake up and go to bed early. During my waking 3-day weekend hours, I do as much “live’n” as possible. Anything outdoor works for me. During my 3-day weekends, I am not lazy. Just like work, I push myself and even though it’s usually fun stuff, I think it helps maintain a good “work ethic” habit that carries over into the following week.
Bottom line:
For whatever it’s worth, I’ve never met a successful practice or business owner who wasted their weekends.
So go to work to have some fun.