Well Doc,
Another year is almost over.
I hope it was a good one but chances are, like all years, it was riddled with some good times, situations, and facts… and some not so good.
…and the bigger the game, the bigger the amplitude.
That is why, in order to grow personally and professionally, you must be as close to numb as you can about everything you create, attract, and are affected by.
What I mean is that you can’t let things get to you. They are meaningless.
If 2016 was a great year overall…great.
If 2016 sucked… great.
It means nothing.
So if you want to get the most out of the world around you and 2017, you must get the most out of you.
…and the way to do that is by letting go.
Keeping your mind open, clear, and present.
It’s the best present you’ll ever give to your loved ones, yourself, and your patients.