The simpler your practice is, the easier it is to grow.
Creating and maintaining simplicity (and relationships) is a lifelong process.
One way to start the process is to view all patients equally.
A P.I. patient is NOT “worth more” than a cash patient. (If you know how to keep cash patients.)
An Insurance patient is NOT “worth more” than a cash patient. (Even if you overcharge and over-treat insurance patients like many D.C.s do.)
A “Corrective Care” and or “Pre-Pay” patient is NOT “worth more” than a relief-only patient. (Again, if you know how to keep them.)
Every new patient is worth the same… IF you know how to keep them.
Each new patient is worth thousands of dollars, maybe even tens of thousands of dollars… IF you know how to keep them.
See, “The Money” is in retention, NOT acquisition.
“The Money” is in how often each patient comes back and refers others IN THEIR LIFETIME…. NOT in the first 8-12 weeks, or in 6 months, or even in a year or two!
Most importantly, every new patient is “worth” serving based on their needs, NOT yours.
…and this is done before, during, and after each and every visit, no matter how much time passes.
Lifetime Value.