Occasionally, a member will say, “I’m doing everything ‘ChiroTrust’…what else can I do?”
…and occasionally, I too ask myself, “I’m doing everything …what else I should be doing?”
And darn it, no joke, almost every time, I end up adding more work for work’s sake and THAT extra work rarely pays off.
I end up hyper, irritable, and more difficult to be around.
More often than not, asking that question is a sign of any or all of the following:
- You really aren’t doing “everything ChiroTrust”.
- You don’t need to necessarily do more, but you may need to look at the quality of care that you are providing which includes price, experience, and yes, clinical results.
- Your expectations aren’t realistic. You may lack patience.
- You are working too many hours and are simply bored and/or burned out. Or you just need to “get a life” :)))
- You lack optimism. (If you lack optimism, you’re sunk by the way.)
- You are doing just fine and wondering what else you can do is just your default. It’s how you are wired. (Both a blessing and a curse.)
If you have rapport with your patients, if they enjoy your care, if they refer others, if they come back, if you provide value, if you do not over treat or over charge, RARELY is “doing more” the solution.
Lastly, embrace where you are at.
You can’t succeed and be a worry wart at the same time.
It’s impossible.