I just hate that most businesses I work with mentally “check-out” for the holidays.
Not just the holiDAYS, the entire month.
No wonder their businesses have no momentum come January.
But they are who they are and it is what it is.
That’s why most of my reading is done just 2 months out of the year, in November and December.
I also do a lot of productive thinking and planning and recommend you do the same.
So what am I reading and will be reading between now and the New Year?
Here’s what I just ordered last night on Amazon and will be consume by or before the 1st of January…
The Four Agreements – http://amzn.com/1878424319
So Good They Can’t Ignore You – http://amzn.com/1455509124
The Everything Store – http://amzn.com/0316219282
The Old Man and the Sea – http://amzn.com/B000FC0SH8
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up – http://amzn.com/1607747308