As you may know, ChiroTrust members who attend the free Committee Meetings get instant access to online support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (For more info on The Committee, Click Here)
This online support gives D.C.s the ability to post questions to me and to doctors from all over the U.S. and Canada.
ChiroTrust members can also call for support Monday – Thursday at 1-800-795-5221.
…and I’d like to think that these “Time To Think” Monday through Thursday emails help you think accurately about Chiropractic, “the market”, your practice, and ChiroTrust too! 🙂
Additionally, towards the end of each month, members receive an audio Chiropractic Business/Marketing message from me that we jokingly call “BAM” (Ben’s Audio Message). I’m a few days late. Expect January’s later on today. 🙂
So what’s “New for You”?
AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH, I will be writing long form, topic-specific reports on the hottest topics and challenges facing Chiropractors today.
Each report will be hosted at and for your convenience, will be downloadable and printable.
The first one will be uploaded at next week.
So keep a lookout for that.
…and if you aren’t a “friend” of mine on Facebook, please do so by clicking here.
I’d like to get to know you better and visa-versa.