To view something more clearly and objectively, sometimes you need to look at it with fresh eyes and ask fresh questions.
Let’s take the Chiropractic Practice. What is it?
Is it a physical thing?
Is it an idea?
Is it a way of life?
Is it business?
Is it a passion?
These are good questions to ask.
Here’s my take on the Chiropractic Practice…
It’s none of the above.
To properly succeed, it’s about creating and maintaining relationships by providing value…this is what ChiroTrust does for its members.
…and since value is subjective, it must be defined by the market — not by the marketer.
This requires you to think accurately, not necessarily emotionally, about your practice.
This requires discipline.
Because at the end of the day, the world can care less about what you or I want.
It would serve you and your marketplace well to remember that.
The money isn’t in the quick buck.
The money isn’t in “closing” patients or more billable services.
The real money is in the relationship.
It is the best success insurance out there.
Creating and maintaining relationships is how you build a practice that you can enjoy and profit from over a lifetime and not just over a few years ‘til what you are doing isn’t working anymore.
Strong relationships allow you the space and the time to adapt.