The ChiroTrust Success Secret


Wanna fast track your growth?

The solution isn’t exactly what you think.

No joke, this is what ChiroTrust and its happiest and successful members have in common… This may already describe you, but if it doesn’t, or if it sounds unbelievable to you, then this message is meant for you:

  1. We stay calm.
  2. We are polite.
  3. We blame no one for nothing.
  4. We honestly care about our customers (Patients/Clients).
  5. We live balanced lives.
  6. We have healthy lifestyles.
  7. We accept and operate within reality.
  8. We are not adverse to change.
  9. We interact (with each other).
  10. We are implementers (Everything in “The Vault”).
  11. We read a lot.
  12. We build and nurture our lists and email daily.
  13. We have business Facebook accounts and post blog and articles.
  14. We embrace and leverage “The ChiroTrust Pledge”.
  15. We live in the moment. Not thinking or worrying about the past or future.
  16. We work on and in our businesses. Every Monday – Thursday.

About the author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+

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By Ben Altadonna

About Author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+