If you are stressed, I guarantee that it’s not about money.
It’s not about “new patients”.
It’s not about “burnout”.
You may think that it is but you’re wrong.
It’s merely a byproduct of mind clutter.
What is mind clutter?
It’s what I call it when you have a lot of loose ends in your head.
…Things that you know that you have to do.
…Things that you know that you want to do.
…Things that you regret.
…Things that you worry about.
As long as you walk around with these things in your head, you are toast.
You must get everything out of your head.
Everything must be written down.
Then…you need to know how to manage this information.
And here’s how you are going to know exactly what to do next…
Read this book: Getting Things Done…the art of stress-free productivity by David Allen
If you don’t read this book over and over and over again, and take action, you’re toast.
How do I know that you need this book?
…because you are human.
…because you own a business.
…because you are a Chiropractor.
Link below.
Get the book!
You owe it to yourself.
You deserve what it can help create for you.