No “Question of the day” this week. Instead, I’m sharing with you something more valuable and important to you and your practice.
Some people are rational. Most are not.
That is why it is dangerous to assume that the general public is rational.
…and that is why Seth Godin talks about this in detail and in his book that you can buy here…
I mean, if everyone was rational, everyone would be going to Chiropractors.
If Chiropractors were rational, they’d all be rich.
If using reason worked, you wouldn’t still be losing most of your patients in 6 months or less.
That is why research isn’t a particularly good marketing strategy.
Nor is patient “education”.
But what DOES work tremendously well is thinking like your market. Thinking like them. Giving them what they want and building a business model and system around it.
It’s what consultants do to you and it’s why their advice doesn’t work for you. YOU are THEIR market. Your PATIENTS are not THEIR market.
You must give patients what THEY want. Not what YOU want them to have.