Wake up call.
Money is never a problem.
Even the lack of it is never a problem.
Lack of it is merely a symptom of one or all of the following…
- Poor money management
- Selling a product, service, strategy, experience, process, etc. that not enough people want.
- Not knowing how to target market (because if everyone is your market, NO ONE is your market).
- Laziness
- Impatience
- Inaccurate thinking on all levels.
- Focusing on the past and/or the future.
- Living beyond your means/creating excessive debt.
- Blaming staff, the economy, the profession, insurance companies, fill in the blank: ____________ …and not taking full credit and blame for everything.
- Poor rapport and relationship building and maintenance
I can go on and on but you get the point.
So if money is tight, while you are fixing the cause and to buy time, find ways of loosening it up a little…
- Get a side gig to make ends meet.
- Sell some stuff.
- Stop spending on things you don’t need.
- Move to a smaller personal dwelling (there is no shame in that).
- Rent out some office space.
Most importantly, fix and work on the cause.
One day/moment at a time.
Focus on that.
The money will follow.