Yesterday, I talked briefly about “Lead Generation”.
Today’s email is about ”Lead Conversion”—something you really shouldn’t have to be worried about or involved in.
These are marketing terms best left to on and offline business-to-business marketers and in my opinion, those who don’t treat or see patients—especially lead conversion.
Your leads shouldn’t be “converted” into patients.
That’s considered “push” marketing. Aggressive. Forceful. Urgent. Packed with artificial value proposals, make believe limited offers (“First 10 that respond!”), and made-up expiration dates.
I prefer “PULL” marketing.
It’s more elegant, respectful, and yes, effective.
Customers, clients, and patients come when they want.
They are not up against a clock.
They are not pressured in any way.
As a matter of fact, “pull” marketing is virtually invisible.
Pull marketing is about REPUTATION, RELEVANCE, and RELATIONSHIP.
So when you hear Chiropractic Marketing “experts” use terms like…
- “Lead generation”
- “Conversion rates”
- “Squeeze Pages”
- “Funnels”
- “Closing”
You might think twice before investing your time and money.
It’s polluting Chiropractic.
That’s NOT the business you are in.
That’s the business that THEY are in.
So don’t pollute Chiropractic.
Instead, PULLute.