I love thinking. Real thinking.
Not rushed…
…and Alone—ideally, in a comfortable and stimulating environment outside of the house and office.
Laziness thinking wants the answer right now.
Laziness thinking never asks the right, the hard, the uncomfortable questions….or asks any questions at all.
Laziness thinking is emotional thinking.
Real thinking (to me) is more about asking the right questions…of myself and others.
Typically (for me), thinking up the right questions to ask takes longer than the answers to those questions.
But it doesn’t stop there.
To come up with the best answer, there’s a process. A process of inquiry.
For me, it goes something like this…
Step one: Come up with the best question. (What do I want? How do I do “x”? Should I do “y”? What’s my opinion of “z”?)
Step two: Come up with the best answer/response.
Step three: Ask questions like “Why?”, “What do I/you mean?”, “Is this a fear response?”, “How come?”, “How do I/you know?”, “What’s wrong with that?”
Step four: Come up with the best answer/response.
Step five: Take step four’s response and go back to step three and four until you truly believe that you got to the root of the intention/reason/justification/excuse/ etc..
Real thinking…
Requires work, patience, and often, some time in between.
When I am stumped or uncertain, I sleep on it and revisit it only after I am once again in a state of calm.
So if you have a lot on your plate and don’t know what you should do first, shouldn’t do at all, or if you just don’t know what to do at all, then you aren’t thinking hard enough. You aren’t asking yourself (first)—and then possibly someone that you trust, respect, and who has your best interest in mind—the right questions.
Be good to yourself.
Never freak out.
You can’t force it.
Be patient.
Enjoy the process
…and above all else, live in the moment because at the end of the day, how much control do we really have?
So since it’s all really just an illusion, you might as well create a perception of reality that best suits you and others.