Two worlds exist in Chiropractic:
The “Should Be” world and the “Real” world.
The “Should Be” world is easy to imagine, easy to want, and easy to create (in the mind, at least).
In the “Should Be” world, patients will freely pay out of pocket. If they have insurance, they will do their own billing. The want what you have to offer. They come back and refer others. Just because.
In the “Should Be” world, every Chiropractor equipped with the same information and time would reach the same level of success.
In the “Should Be” world, over time, succeeding in practice gets easier and easier. Short cuts win.
In the “Should Be” world, the more you need, the more you whine, the more you worry, the more reasons or excuses that you have, the more right you are.
The “Real” World is different.
It is harsh.
It is painful.
It is unpredictable.
It is unforgiving.
In the real world, there are no short cuts and quitters get exactly what they deserve: nothing.
In the real world, the more responsibility that you take for the outcome, the more control and success you will achieve.
In the real world, the strong survive.
Since life is tough no matter what world you live in, why not live in the real world?
Once you accept it…
Once you play by its rules…
Everything changes.
Actually no, only you change.
Everything good has been there all along.
…In the real world.
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