For this context, moving to another town many miles away or to a different state or province is not “relocating”. It’s moving.
Okay, back to relocating…
- Make sure you are relocating for the right reasons. Struggling in practice should not be one of them. “Location” doesn’t build a practice, the right care and marketing does.
- No need to tell everyone on your list that you are relocating. That may only backfire. It may add a level of “change” that could keep them from coming and/or calling. Only let those who are currently under care know. The rest will find out when they call you… and if they just show up and you aren’t there, don’t worry, they’ll find you.
- Don’t do any practice promotion around it. To be honest, nobody really cares.
Relocating can sometimes be the right thing to do, but it also can be disastrous.
If you need a different perspective and you are a ChiroTrust member, give me a call so we can go over your situation and your motivation.
“Accurate thinking” is everything, especially as it relates to relocating your practice.