Okay, today’s email isn’t for everyone and I’m not financial expert but I do know that too many people make financial decisions and commitments without much forethought.
You should always question what you think, do, and stress about.
It’s a constant hobby of mine!
For example…
1. Renting a home isn’t a bad thing. – Less maintenance, less insurance, no property insurance, etc., and more options.
Virtually no down payment.
In many parts of the country, renting can easily save you $10,000.00 – $20,000.00 a year or more–which can help you pay off debt quicker.
2. If saving for your children’s college tuition is a real burden or difficult for you, relax. There is no statistical proof that paying for their tuition gives them any advantage in the long run. As a matter of fact, it could actually demotivate and/or weaken them.
Personally, I think that a memorable and meaningful family vacation each year will do more for them than paying for their college.
3. Moving isn’t a sign of failure. Too many people stay where they are at for the wrong reasons. Follow your dreams. It’s your life.
…and if you are planning on moving but want to build up your practice so that you can get more from the sale…chances are you won’t. So put that energy into your future, not your past.
Happiness, freedom, and peace of mind is a lot more affordable and attainable than what you’ve been led to believe.