I speak to hundreds of D.C.s per month from all parts of the U.S. and Canada.
Most of the time, I answer questions which are “little picture” questions.
Questions like…
“How do I find a C.A.?”
“What are the best office hours?”
“Should I call patients after their first adjustment?”
…and the most common one, “How do I get more patients in the door?”
ALL of these are “little picture” questions.
Questions I can and do easily address.
But these questions and answers seldom create big practice impacts.
It’s the Big Picture stuff that creates successful practices.
Questions like…
“Who is the market?”
“What is the message?”
“How do you create and nurture prospect and patient relationships?”
“How much are you willing to spend to “get” a new patient?”
“Do you really know what a patient is worth in your office?” (Most do not)
“How much do you want to collect and why and…will your practice model realistically get you there?”
“How confident and competent are you?”
“Are you willing to do what it takes…even if what it takes is different than what YOU think or hope it should be?”
Struggling businesses and practices ask the wrong questions and/or don’t have the answers to the right ones.
And it’s not their fault. Most just don’t know any better…until they talk to me, that is.
So, “YES.”
I take calls every Monday –Thursday morning from 9 – 10 am.
Some members call me daily, usually the new ones.
Others call me once or twice a month.
And some never call.
And all of them can hear the recordings daily from their smartphones.
I save practices (and marriages) this way and get a lot of satisfaction out of it.