Well, that’s anxiety.
Being anxious is normal… but not productive.
…and when it comes to your practice, being productive is the only way out of anxiety.
So, if you have anxiety issues that are related to your practice, it’s only because you…
A. Don’t know why
B. Don’t know what
C. Don’t know how
D. Don’t know who
E. Don’t know when
…or you’re just plain lazy.
If it’s the latter, then test new habits. Start with simple and attainable wins like waking up and going to bed 30 minutes early and commit to calling me just once a month.
If it’s the former, you too should call me.
Because if you truly want to eliminate or drastically decrease anxiety, then you’re going to have to increase productivity and a periodic phone call with me should do the trick and keep you on course.
Additionally, you must ONLY live in the moment. If that’s a problem for you, consider listening to “The Power of Now” audiobook or CD version by Eckhart Tolle.
I wasn’t in it for the “spiritual enlightenment” so don’t let the subtitle scare you.
There’s some good stuff in there.
It helped me and will certainly help you.
Here’s a link:
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment