We all agree that time is more important than money but what amazes me is what so many D.C.s are willing to do and endure for the sake of “money getting”.
Things like…
- Working Fridays and/or weekends
- Waiting 15-60 minutes for the next patient to arrive
- Lunch and dinner time “networking”
Time is also more important than “things”.
Yet, we continue to work to buy things that then require even more time and money to store, maintain, and replace.
But if you use your time wisely, and make good decisions, then everything improves…
- Less money needed
- Less time expended
- Less brain-damage
Does this mean that you can’t or shouldn’t be ambitious?
Absolutely not.
But the only way to get there and enjoy the ride along the way is to put a premium on time.
Buy time, not things.