No matter what stage your practice is in, you must think clearly.
A clear mind not only increases confidence, it enables you to think accurately, make the best decisions, and create fulfilling success.
That’s why I’m a huge fan of Jamie Smart’s book,
…and strongly recommend that you read it (Amazon link below).
But for now, I’d like to share with you some of my favorite quotes from the book…
“Thought creates the world then says, ‘I didn’t do it’…”
“Increasing clarity is the inevitable result of a transformation in your understanding of how life works, and your becoming more aligned with reality…”
“Were never stressed out about what we think we’re stressed out about…We’re only ever stressed out because we believe we’re feeling something other than thinking in the moment…”
“People who seem to fall apart at the slightest provocation are convinced that their thinking is real. People who are resilient and resourceful in the face of hardship and crisis intuitively know their thinking is an illusion.”
“When you’ve got nothing on your mind, you’re free to give your best.”
Here’s the link to the book…
It’s well worth the money.