I’m a firm believer that people are more alike than they are dissimilar… and that Chiropractors, although they are frustrated by patients valuing relief over prevention, are absolutely no different.
So, when a Chiropractor or a patient asks a question, here are some things to consider…
- Listen to their words. Don’t add meaning to them.
- Why are they asking that question? (To learn more, ask them why.)
- Then, what questions do you need to ask to get clarity? And maybe even state their question back to them to make sure that you got it right and that they know that you’re listening
- Is there a bigger picture that they and/or you may be ignoring?
Too many Chiropractors get easily flustered by patient questions and feel the need to defend or over respond.
It’s those who don’t ask questions that you need to worry about and who probably need your help the most.