“I don’t like what I have to do to survive. Let’s just leave it at that. Any way out?”


Some Chiropractors  are convinced the only way to “make it” is to do things that aren’t ethical and/or legal and they are wrong.

Not only is it extremely unnecessary, but sooner or later, it catches up to each and every one of them.

If you are doing any of the following, feel free to contact me.

Even if you are not a member of ChiroTrust, provided that you strictly follow the instructions below and are not a time vampire or difficult, I would be happy to help you clean up your act… and I would keep this between just you and me.

Once you do, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself, about this profession, and about your future.

  • Overcharging  insurance companies
  • Overtreating
  • Using patient compliance scare scripts and tactics.
  • Charging for services that you are not providing.
  • “Closing” patients on care they don’t really want.
  • Doing anything that you already know is unethical and/or illegal.

Just email me at AltaComInc@gmail.com

Put “help” in the subject line.

And in the email, list what you are doing that you are not proud of.

No need for any background info or paragraphs of any kind.

Just the list. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then by next week, I will contact you.

About the author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+

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By Ben Altadonna

About Author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+