Want to attract even more patients?
Build a practice around you.
Not around “Chiropractic” or your special technique.
Notice I said “around” you, not about you.
Nobody cares about Chiropractic.
Nobody cares about you.
Nobody cares about me.
Now, I’m being slightly facetious.
But it’s more true than it is false.
So, what’s “around” you?
The market.
What IS a market?
A “market” is an existing, specific want.
Notice I said “existing” and “specific”.
Wanting to be subluxation-free is not an existing want.
…and being healthier is not a specific want.
So build a practice around an existing market.
‘Cause creating a market is virtually impossible.
Then comes the hard part: knowing HOW to market and then EXECUTING what you know.
Due to time and money constraints, this too is virtually impossible.
That’s why it’s best to just let ChiroTrust do it for you.