Are you a wanna-bee or a winner bee?
In business, I can split everyone into 2 groups:
- Those who say “no” to almost everything – Mostly due to lack of confidence in their ability to make good decisions, their history of poor follow through, and overwhelming fear.
Saying “no” is their way of experiencing a sense of control.
It’s a non-productive feeling.
These are the wanna-bees.
- Then there are those who say “no” to almost everything – Mostly due to high self-awareness, more money-making opportunities than time, and the ability to attract and fry the big fish.
These are the winner-bees.
They truly are in control and can create and attract virtually anything into their lives.
So ask yourself…
Do you have bigger fish to fry?
What’s holding you back?
What gets to you who shouldn’t?
What are you saying “no” to that you should reconsider?
What are you saying “yes” to that you shouldn’t?
You should always be in the “Big Fish Only” mode.
- Lead Gen
- Lead Conversion
- Patient Retention
- Patient Referrals
- More time off
- Simplicity
- Fun
- Health
…all “Big Fish”