Chiropractors can be an antsy bunch—busy being busy but not productive, profitable, or more importantly, happy.
There’s a huge strategic error with being “antsy”.
- Being antsy gets less done.
- Being antsy keeps you from thinking clearly.
- Being antsy feels terrible.
Like I’ve said before, even though you and I are going to die soon (relatively speaking), that doesn’t mean that you can or should be in a rush—another trait of antsy people.
What’s the cure?
Patience and often times, doing nothing at all.
Clarity can often come from doing nothing.
About twice a year, I don’t make any decisions for about a week. I just coast.
It fixes the funk and allows my mind to reset.
So if you are antsy now, relax. Do nothing. Wait for clarity.
In a few days or weeks, clarity will come. For sure.
But there’s an art to doing nothing.
Too many Chiropractors do nothing for too long… to a point where they lose their ability to make confident and accurate decisions.
Just realize that worry, being nervous, and being antsy are a complete waste of time.
As a ChiroTrust member, you get all the support that you need from me, my staff, and other ChiroTrust members.
With ChiroTrust, provided that you do your part so that we can do ours, you need nothing else.
You can enjoy and profit from doing nothing other than adjusting, getting paid, and going home.
I don’t work as much or as hard as you may think and neither should you.
Making money is necessary but it isn’t everything.
Far from it.
So relax.