Try this doc…
Test a new morning habit. I recommend this one:
Alone, either outside in your backyard or at a coffee shop, hang out for at least one hour BEFORE going to the office.
Don’t have a laptop computer with you but do have the following:
1. Pen and Notepad
2. iPad with wifi
3. A beverage of your choice (Coffee, Tea, Lemon Water, Smoothie, etc..)
But don’t eat! Try to not eat ’til noon.
Totally relax. (Because you heard my advice that you plan your day the night before, right?)
Don’t talk on the phone or surf the web.
But if any inspiring ideas surface, research them, and/or write them down.
If not, just chill.
Right before you leave, take a look at that day’s “To Do” list. If necessary, add, delete, or re-sequence the list.
Then, commit to yourself that you will ONLY focus on that day’s work—not work from the past or work for the future… Not even work for the following day.
You’ll think about tomorrow in the evening.
It’s Fun, Simple, and Extremely Powerful.
…and virtually eliminates work anxiety!