Chiropractic Marketing Tips from Ben Altadonna
People buy what they want, way more than what they need. So, the more “wants” you fulfill, the more patients you will have (new patients, referrals, and reactivation’s).
Here’s a short list of some of their wants (and don’t wants). I’m sure you can think of more. Maybe discuss with your staff. Now all you have to do is figure out a way to give it to them; a lot easier of a task than trying to get people in the doors with things they need but don’t want:
1. Out of pain
2. Out of your office
3. Free stuff
4. Food
5. Not to be hassled
6. Not to be lectured or proven wrong
7. Feel in control
8. Feel important, liked, valued, appreciated, special
9. Bragging rights, about themselves, about you.
10. To be right (Not to be wrong)
11. Don’t want to be sold
12. Treated fairly, fair value, NOT taken for granted
13. Respect
#8 is a big one. Find ways to make each patient feel as though you like them better than most, if not all your patients. Find out what they are good at or experts in. Talk about those things. This is tricky but when done, goes a long way. I’m sure you can recall in your life when someone told you that you were/are special. We never forget these people.
And most importantly, ask them!