Ben Altadonna on Chiropractic Maintenance Care
I KNOW that many chiropractors are selling maintenance and/or wellness care and struggling miserably at it.
So, that’s the reason for today’s blog post.
Why do I call it “selling”?
Because that’s not what patients originally came in for. Even after benefiting from care, it’s not something they naturally conclude that they now want.
You should NEVER be in the business of selling.
No matter what business you’re in, including and especially something as extremely controversial as Chiropractic, you are in the business of providing solutions based on what CUSTOMERS (patients) want.
Before I continue, I must remind you that you should NEVER give patients what YOU think they should want. EVER.
Trust me, I know what’s behind it…
Patients don’t know what they don’t know.
There’s more to Chiropractic than pain relief.
If we don’t tell ‘em the truth, no one will.
You are passionate about Chiropractic, not pain relief.
It’s not what you got into Chiropractic for.
I’ve heard it all and it’s not that I disagree…but to be honest, it’s not about right or wrong. It’s about results.
You don’t build a business being more right than everyone else.
…and if seeing more patients over time = building a business (Which it does!), then there’s a better, faster, and easier way of going about it that does NOT include…
Lengthy new patient processing/”Report of Findings” and “Health Care Classes”. Or…
Dropping prevention hints as often as possible.
Offering options before they start care and before or after they drop out or are released.
Mentioning and defining maintenance and/or wellness care.
Sharing with them pamphlets, brochures, videos, wall posters, etc.
Now listen, if all these worn-out procedures and strategies worked, I’d be all over it. But they don’t.
Not only do they fail miserably, they’ve actually helped create the problem we have in this profession.
But the good news is that with problems come solutions and opportunities and either you continue to ignore them, or you adapt and change. Become more market, not product, driven.
You CAN create a practice full of referrals and reactivation’s. Certainly, it takes time, but here’s the way you should look at it…
Whether you like it or not, in 3-5 years you and your practice will be 3-5 years older anyway, so you might as well create it now not later.