As a business owner and passionate entrepreneur, every day and every month isn’t much different from the next.
For me, “work” and “play” are the same.
But for most, this isn’t the case.
As you know, most people live for the weekend, for days off, for vacations, and for paid holidays.
They also love going to the movies and watching television… anything to escape.
In January, “New Year’s Resolutions” are made and then forgotten days, weeks, or a few months later.
It is what it is.
That is why it would serve you well to create a lot of marketing momentum going into January.
Many people will join gyms and get injured.
They will experience neck and back problems.
It’s a great time to generate a ton of leads.
Leads, not patients. That comes later.
Focus on creating a massive list of locals who visit your webpages and click your Facebook ads.
Then retarget them with daily content. No pitching.
For you ChiroTrust members, retarget your blog content and of course, if you need help, give us a call.
Additionally and more importantly, email and snail mail every patient who has been in your office in the last 12 months and everyone prior to that whom you’ve stayed in contact with.
For you ChiroTrust members, that would be the In Good Hands mailing (and condition-specific inserts) that we write for you and the postcard that drives your list to your condition-specific blog that we built and manage for you.
Also, make sure your phones are answered live 24-7.
If you can’t forward the phones to an office dedicated cell phone, consider “The Virtual C.A.” Here’s a link….
Some of you also really need to change the name of your office and your business cards and if you feel really stuck, you need to call me during my morning “Time To Talk” strategy session calls.
Bottom line, NOW is the time to plan a massive multi-channel attack on your marketplace.
Don’t wait ‘til January. It will be too late.