Want to know what is way more powerful than patient testimonials?
“Social Proof”
Testimonials are when other people say how great you are with their words.
…but social proof is all about action and as you know actions are more powerful than words.
So, how do you create social proof in your practice?
- Schedule new patients when you know other patients will be there and ideally, see as many people as possible with the least number of office hours. (Provided that you can maintain the quality of the care and perceived value.)
- Collect pictures of you treating patients. (Obviously, get patient consent in writing.) Share on Facebook, in a photo binder for the reception room, and on your website.
- Associate with influencers: other respected leaders in the community.
Let’s face it, most people are followers, not leaders, and as a result, get most of their confidence through and from the confidence of others.
So, let them see others surrounding themselves around you… both inside and outside of the office.
Yes, you can get famous for being famous!