Just completed another productive meeting with ChiroTrust/Committee members from all across the country.
Here’s a picture of me with the world famous ChiroTrust and Committee member, Dr. Blake Kalkstein…
We all met in Seattle.
The next one will be in Bozeman, Montana.
As a result, and as a group, we spent about 30 minutes of the 12-hour day to discuss possible ChiroTrust tweaks.
…and here’s what we came up with:
- Extremity articles for the newsletter and blog. 3 extremities on rotation: Hip pain, Knee pain, and Shoulder pain. I said “Yes”. So keep an eye out for these. Most likely starting with the September In Good Hands Letter.
- Reserving the after dinner work (7:30 pm – 9:00pm) for new members and/or docs collecting under $50,000 a month.
- Making “The Committee” free for ChiroTrust members. That’s right, all you have to do is ONE THING to become a Committee member for free. This ONE THING won’t cost you an extra cent. More on that soon. (If you are a Committee member, you already know what that “one thing” is and if you haven’t taken action yet, call Larry today at 800-795-5221.) If you are not already a member of “The Committee” please don’t call Larry about this. You will know soon enough. 🙂 (Towards the end of this week, I promise.) I also hinted to the attendees how to pretty easily get ChiroTrust and The Committee for free. Again, more on that soon so stay put and stay tuned.
- Putting time markers on every morning strategy session calls with me. That way, you can fast forward the recordings to only the questions/topics that interest you. We start that today. (When you call in live, please mute yourself. Some of you have been bad boys and girls. 🙂 )
- Creating trackable ReliefAssist ads that you can put on your website/s. That way you can sell ReliefAssist, get paid, and have us ship directly to your customers for you. This will start in July and is optional. We also created a cool counter display if you are interested. More on that later.
I really like where ChiroTrust and its members are headed and sort of feel sorry for any D.C. who isn’t a part of ChiroTrust and “The Committee”…they have no idea what they are missing and how magical this process can be for them.