I’m no expert so if you have a true mental condition, please consult the appropriate health care provider. Today’s article is more about what to do when you feel anxiety about your chiropractic future or just feel unmotivated to do all the things you already know that you should be doing.
First of all, the #1 thing is to not think or worry about the future. Even planning for the future should take back seat to just focusing on TODAY; it’s all you have. It’s all you’ll ever have.
Today IS your entire life. What you do today has more impact on your future than your future. (If that makes any sense!) So, focus on today. This means…
• get things done TODAY
• make decisions TODAY
• start new habits TODAY
• mange your time TODAY
• focus on what you want TODAY
• say “no” and “yes” TODAY
If what you do and don’t do TODAY isn’t congruent with what you want, then you’ll NEVER get what you want. It’s that simple.
If you lack motivation, then you must ask yourself:
1. What makes you truly happy. (Answering “money” isn’t allowed)
2. In a perfect world, how would you like to spend your time?
3. Where would you like to live?
4. What would you like to do?
5. How many days would you practice?
What you’ll find is that to get what you really want (which are usually experiences and not “stuff”) you really don’t need as much money as you thought and…you don’t have to wait months, years, or decades to get it.
Lack of motivation is merely a symptom of not being clear as to what you truly want to do with your time and your life. Something worth thinking about.
So true Ben… those that don’t take action today, procrastinate over and over to never reach their goals. Taking action in the now gets you where you want to be tomorrow or closer to where you want to be.
Great post Ben. Once you stop dwelling on the past and waiting on your bright future all you are left with is the “now.” Live for today and don’t let it pass you by. Thanks!