Ben Altadonna Chiropractic Marketing Tip: Don’t Be Afraid To Be Different…the consensus is usually wrong!
Like me, through the years, I’m sure you’ve known, met, or heard about hundreds of successful business and/or practice owners.
At face value, they all seem to do what even struggling business and practice owners do: service their customers, clients, and patients.
The only difference that is VISIBLE is that they do it in a much bigger and maybe different way.
But it’s what you don’t see that is truly responsible for their success.
I’m referring to…
How they manage their time
What they don’t do
How they respond to challenges
How they think
Their work ethic
There is nothing “sexy” about what it takes to succeed. It’s the behind-the-scenes stuff that truly makes all the difference.
Successful business and practice owners feel a lot more alone than most people.
Because they are the minority. They think differently, they do things differently, they see the world differently.
They don’t look for consensus amongst their peers because they know inside that most of their peers are wrong about virtually everything.
They are market-driven not product or “industry norm” driven.
Yes, to be successful you must be okay with being and feeling alone and different often.
Embrace it and use it to your advantage.
It’s where and when true breakthroughs are made.
I like the nature of this post…..very good Ben and so true!