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Congratulations, you are normal. You are human. You are okay.
Sooner or later, it happens to everyone.
So, now what?
You can blame, feel sorry for yourself, or convince yourself that there is no hope for you or…
You can do something about it.
I recommend the latter.
Even if you don’t have a solution or see one in sight, here’s what seems to work for most people…
1. Focus on today. Not yesterday, not tomorrow.
2. Today and every day, make sure that you do all of the following:
- Spend some time alone.
- Spend some time outdoors.
- Get plenty of sleep and if you can, nap—even if it’s for just 15-20 minutes.
- Don’t abuse alcohol or drugs.
- Exercise
- Prioritize your activities.
- Work on what matters…even if it’s just for a few minutes.
- Associate with people who are more successful and/or positive than you are.
- Minimize your time watching T.V. and on social media.
3. Focus on solutions, not problems.
4. Be patient. Change may happen overnight or over the course of days, weeks, months, or years. The key is patience. Think long term, not short term.
5. Have the attitude that there is nothing wrong. That “imperfection is perfection”…that everything that happens is nothing more than information. It’s not good, it’s not bad. It just is.
6. Never let anyone see you sweat. Everybody has “stuff”. So be careful whom you share things with.
7. Protect your confidence.
8. Embrace the hustle, Embrace the discomfort. Embrace what is. Don’t fight it. Use it to your advantage.
Yes, attitude is everything and is something that only you have control of.
Choose to be positive.
Choose to be happy.
Choose to be proactive.
Winners don’t whine.
Winners don’t quit.
Winners take action.
Winners expect and welcome challenges.
Winners live in the real world. Not the “should be” or fantasy world.
Choose to be a winner.