Hidden Low Cost Chiropractic Marketing Profits With The Chiropractic Assistant Bonus Program
As a purveyor and fan of elegant and common sense Chiropractic Marketing strategies that virtually all successful chiropractors implement and that everybody else ignores, I really like this one.
It’s low cost.
It’s easy to do…and it creates almost instant results.
I’m referring to bonus-ING your C.A. for new patients scheduled during lunch, after hours, and on weekends.
Now of course, not every C.A. is willing or even able to do this…but those that do really seem to enjoy it.
Here’s how it’s done:
First call your phone company and sign up for their “call forwarding” service. It should cost only a few bucks; 5-10 per month max.
Then purchase a cell phone dedicated for office use only. A low cost phone will do.
Next, during off hours, have your C.A. forward all calls to the office cell phone.
Lastly, create systems and procedures in your office that make it possible to take on a new patient at any time during office hours; that way during off hours your C.A. can book new patient appointments that are the most convenient to the caller and without lugging around an appointment book.
*This is the first in a special series of 50 blog posts on the topic of Chiropractic Marketing Ideas you can use to build your practice. I’ll be pinning each of the 50 tips you see here to my Pinterest board, and I encourage you to follow my Chiropractic Marketing Ideas board there. Tweet this link, share it on Facebook and LinkedIn and include it in your blog and ezine: http://www.pinterest.com/benaltadonna/chiropractic-marketing-ideas/
Bonus your C.A. 25-50 dollars for every new patient scheduled after hours and shows up.
If you don’t have a C.A. or if your C.A. isn’t interested in this opportunity, there’s a great service that can book your off hours incoming calls for you.
It’s called “The Virtual C.A.” and more information can be found at www.TheVirtualCA.com
Since your fixed overhead is a good chunk of your monthly expenses and since your office is closed more hours than it is open, these days, letting after hours incoming calls go to an answering machine or a recorded message is foolish and costly.
See most incoming callers hang up before the end of the recorded message; that is why you can’t even quantify all the lost business.
But my question for you is this, “How many new patients are you okay with losing each month?”
The chiropractic assistant bonus program makes a lot of sense here.
Lastly, if you get a lot of administrative calls or incoming calls from insurance companies, providing them a number that goes to an answering machine is fine; but not answering calls live that come directly from patients and prospects is downright crazy.