Want to KNOW when you know that YOU are right for Chiropractic?
It’s not when you have raving fans and/or a ton of viewers, likes, shares, etc.
It’s not when you can make a good living at it.
It’s not even when you become fully fulfilled in every way professionally.
It’s when you actually love your patients.
Of course, I’m not talking about the same type of love that you have for your spouse, family, significant others, etc.
It’s when you truly care for them as people.
It’s when you stop keeping score as to what you get against what you give.
It’s when you are in it with them for the long haul, regardless of what kind of insurance they have or how often they come in.
They might not feel it or know it.
They don’t have to.
There isn’t anything in particular that you need to do or say.
But when you feel it, YOU KNOW that YOU are right for the job.
…and my bet is that they will feel it too.
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