Impact… It’s a major metric and dictator of what you do and how you do it.
Nothing else matters.
Colleges, Chiropractors, Consultants, Webcasts, Podcasts, and Facebook and YouTube “gurus” tend to get caught up in their egos, passions, “tribes”, and processes… and not their impact.
- Who knows you exist?
- How many know you exist?
- How often do you communicate with them?
- Are they extracting value out of what you do and how you do it?
That’s the stuff that provides value, builds practices, and transforms industries.
Everything else is mere entertainment.
Here is ChiroTrust’s real impact on Chiropractic, Chiropractors, and Consumers…
~ Currently, close to one-third of the Chiropractic profession receives these daily “Time To Think” emails.
~ To educate MDs on the benefits of Chiropractic, ChiroTrust mails to thousands of Medical Doctors each month.
~ ChiroTrust is endorsed by the Chief Wellness Officer of The Cleveland Clinic—to our knowledge, that’s something no Chiropractic College or Association has ever been able to obtain and secure.
~ Millions of ChiroTrust emails go out each and every month that link to and each member’s ChiroTrust-created website.
~ Tens of thousands of new patients go to ChiroTrust doctors each month.
So what’s more important than “How ChiroTrust Works”?
Its Impact on Chiropractic, Chiropractors, and Consumers.
The “How” is the merely the process that ChiroTrust has created, continually maintains, and manages for each member.
We don’t sell shovels.
We do the shoveling for you.