Are you a Chiropractor or a Business Person?
If you own a practice, I know what you are going to say….
But are you really?
Even if you went to business school, you didn’t leave with the skills to build a Chiropractic practice.
So if your practice isn’t exactly where you want it to be, don’t be TOO hard on yourself.
Owning a practice doesn’t mean that you have the skills to own one.
That is why I meet with members of ChiroTrust every 3 months to work on their business mind. Attendance is free for ChiroTrust members.
Because even though ChiroTrust markets for you, to get the most out of ChiroTrust, you need to consistently work on YOU….
– Patience
– Persistence
– Practice Skills
The mindset that got you to where you are now isn’t necessarily the mindset required to get you where you want to go.