May I please be direct today?
Thanks. It’s only because I care, and I know I can help.
…because I’ve been there. At least 3 times in the last 20 years, I recalled feeling burned out.
“Burnout” …a loss of passion, inspiration, motivation, whatever you want to call it.
I know now that it’s nonsense. There is no such thing.
What does exist are decisions, choices, and consequences.
Over time, if there is enough inaccurate thinking, then negative consequences or undesired outcomes will ensue… for sure.
So if you think that you are “burned out”, then it’s time to snap out of it. :)))
Stop giving up! Nothing good will happen if you continue to adopt the position that you are burned out.
The universe, the world, the market doesn’t care.
Money flows away from “burn out” and towards “accurate thinking”. Period.
Thinking that you are burned out is really dangerous to your health, your relationships, and your practice.
No amount of new patients can solve this.
It’s all between your ears.
Your thoughts.
“The Committee” is a great way to fix “stink’n think’n.”
So are books, positive people, exercise, meditation, intermittent fasting, being outdoors, and a change of environments and experiences.
You are the solution, my friend.