This is a great question.
I asked some close friends this question and here are the responses I got…
“Yes, but I wouldn’t be working as much.”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now.”
At some level, I can relate to and appreciate all these answers.
So, how about You?
What’s your answer?
Don’t jump too fast, really think about it.
…and what are you doing or can you do to make your current reality better or more in line with what you want?
Write down what comes to mind.
…and ask yourself,
“Am I thinking accurately, honestly, and realistically?”
“What skills do I lack or need improving?”
“What steps can I take to achieve my goal/s?”
“What compromises can I live with and what is not negotiable?”
Asking these types of questions can get you back on track, back in love with what you are already doing and/or have, or can motivate you to take action.