Admit it.
Even if you aren’t feeling sorry for yourself now, you have in the past and probably will in the future.
It’s a human thing.
But for business owners, it’s a dangerous thing.
Now, I’m not going to suggest that you remind yourself of all your blessings or that you need to be more grateful, live in the moment, etc..
Just 2 words…
The truth is, your solution isn’t more luck, an easier life, or a handout.
Your solution is to become stronger.
How long does this process take?
Good news….
It takes a moment.
It’s merely a decision.
And you can do it right now.
Because it’s a choice.
A choice to think accurately.
A choice not to take anything personally.
A choice to be unable to be offended.
A choice to get S#@T done.
A choice to stop whining.
A choice to focus only on what you can control and not on what you cannot.
A choice to improve your skills.
A choice to read more.
A choice to think more and react less.
It’s the best, easiest, and only solution.
…You are a rock star but until you choose to believe it,
nobody else will.