To work, marketing relies on human psychology.
That is why “selling” what people already understand and already want works and why referred-in patients require less “selling”.
But there is a dark side to marketing.
Cult-like strategies and tactics
It’s prevalent in every industry because it’s the easy way out.
…and many Chiropractors fall victim to it.
So, the next time you listen in to a webinar, or are watching an online sales video, or attend a “free” seminar, ask yourself these questions…
“Is this something that is best for my patients?”
“Is this all about the money?”
“Am I falling for a slick presentation?”
“Does this feel right?”
“Is this what patients already want?”
“Will I have to create the same or similar dog and pony show to my patients?”
It’s so easy to be programmed, especially by people whom you want to like, want to like you, and possibly want to be like.
In 20 years of marketing in Chiropractic, I’ve seen many on and offline marketers in Chiropractic come and go.
Some were even clients of mine who thought the grass was greener and learned the hard way that it is not.
To provide value to others, you really need to know what you are doing.
There are no shortcuts.
The only way to stay in business is to treat your customers, clients, and patients fairly.
Earn their trust.
Give them more than you take.
Resist being programmed and resist programming.
The price of entry is too cheap and the temptations are huge, but It rarely works.
It’s not right.
And these days, it can ruin your reputation forever.