For ChiroTrust Members Making a Good Living, Living a Balanced Life, and Feeling in “The Zone”


If you are going through something personally or professionally, months-to-years from now, you will prevail… and you will look back and see the silver lining in it all. For sure.

That is why, Life IS good.

For all of us.

  • If your life seems better than good right now, here are some things to consider and/or remember…
  • There is a such thing as luck…both good and bad. The tide can change at any time.
  • You can never coast and should always continue to generate and convert “leads”.
  • Your business should continue to evolve, improve, and become simpler and more elegant… a byproduct of eliminating the underperforming processes and complexities that undoubtedly occur over time.
  • Always strive to live far below your means…that way, no matter what, you’ll be okay.
  • Don’t let “success” change you. Stay humble, always work hard, and be thankful.
  • Don’t spoil your family. Be an example and a reminder of what really matters.
  • Never ever EVER take your patients (customers) for granted…don’t forget who “butters your toast”.

To be honest, I am just as happy and as miserable as I was when I was 14.

Nothing much has changed.

Somewhere in the middle seems to be the best place for me.

It’s the shortest distance from both ends.

About the author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+

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About Author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+