Hi Doc,
As I continue to read a book a day, I try to extract big ideas for both myself and my members.
I look for ideas that nurture my creative mind.
As a result, in just the last few months, I’ve come up with a handful of ways to make me and ChiroTrust more valuable to you.
Here are a few examples….
ReliefAssist is an extremely high-quality neck and back pain analgesic that will be introduced to the marketplace very soon…made to market your office and ChiroTrust.org.
I also will be announcing what I think will be a huge game changer for ChiroTrust members. (I will announce this after this week’s “The Committee” meeting.)
…and restricting new ChiroTrust memberships to those who apply and are accepted and eliminating the “3 months free” will also enable me to reinvest more of my revenue into what we do for you, which includes more “Research and Development”.
What I will be doing with ReliefAssist, How I will be adding more value to ChiroTrust members, and Who I will be accepting as new ChiroTrust members…all came from the byproduct of me reading a book a day and more importantly, thinking about what I’m reading.
Caring for my docs,
Providing care via my support calls, and
Always thinking of elegant ways to simplify, clarify, and communicate ChiroTrust to your prospects, patients, and the world.
Caring, Care, and ChiroTrust.
A common bond between us.
It’s a beautiful thing.