Succeeding in business and in Chiropractic is a total different ballgame compared to 10+ years ago and it’s my belief that what it takes to succeed will continue to accelerate.
Chiropractors who position themselves the right way now will have no problem succeeding later.
Why? Because they will have the right mindset.
They will be market-focused. (Re-listen to my “One-Trick Pony” 5-Minute Seminar.)
Those who do not will be not only left behind, but they will be out of business.
20 years ago, pretty much all you had to do to succeed is exist.
Not so much 10 years ago.
And not even close today.
Technology has not only disrupted industries, but it has totally changed consumer expectations.
They expect and are willing to pay for simplicity.
This means that simplifying your practice, your positioning, and your messaging is crucial.
Discounting is not.
Take Uber. They own no cars. They make transportation fun and fast.
…and, they charge MORE, not less, than “Taxicabs”.
Think “Simple”
Simplify your practice.
Get really good at ONLY giving patients what they want. (If you have a problem with that, then read Seth Godin’s book All Marketers Tell Stories.)
Simplify your marketing message. (Business cards, signage, websites, etc.)
Simplify your care (Focus on Doctor/Practice – Patient Relationships)
Simplify your pricing (One fee, if possible — regardless of insurance or not. That’s how you make it easy for them to come back, and equally as important, refer others to you.)
I spend most of my waking hours staying ahead of this profession.
I read a book a day.
I talk to D.C.s from all over the country and in Canada (as well as other parts of the world) and I do so every Monday – Thursday morning.
I spend most of my time serving my ChiroTrust members.
This includes:
- Managing my team of now 42 people.
- Helping ChiroTrust members simplify their practices to better serve their patients.
- Providing as much value to Chiropractic as possible.
I do not spend much time marketing ChiroTrust or convincing doctors to join ChiroTrust.
I simply serve.
…and that’s the best marketing of all.