“What Can ChiroTrust Do For Me?”


Mixed messages

Practice inconsistencies

Infrequent and/or improper communication

These can confuse patients which risks them rethinking their decision to remain your patient.

This both disrupts their healing and put an end to the viral growth of your practice.

So, what are you doing to confuse patients?

  • Are you using words, concepts, or strategies  that they don’t understand, don’t agree with, or aren’t interested in?
  • Do you have up and down energy?
  • Does staff come and go?
  • Do you break your own agreements or office policies?
  • Are you not the picture of health that you are trying to promote?
  • Do you preach the importance of brain-body communication while only communicating to them when they are in pain and giving you money?
  • Do you discount their reason for being in your office while hard selling why and when you want them to be in your office?

Confusing patients is dangerous.

It makes it virtually impossible to create virtually effortless practice growth and maintain healthy profit margins.

So consider taking a look at everything that your patients are exposed to… before, during, and after their care.

Chances are, to some degree, you are confusing some or all of them.

About the author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+

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By Ben Altadonna

About Author

Ben Altadonna

Ben Altadonna is the President of Altadonna Communications Inc., an extremely successful and well-known multi-media marketing and consulting company. Using strategies and systems that he himself has either invented or perfected, Ben consults with start-ups, manufacturers, information marketers, seminar promoters, and consultants of all types on how to increase both revenue and profit by identifying new opportunities and by looking at virtually every aspect of their product, market, and marketing from his unique perspective. Connect with Ben Altadonna online Google+