You are not alone but, there is a solution.
You must protect yourself.
Your time.
Your sanity.
Your spirit.
Your reputation.
Your relevance.
How do you do this?
By taking REALLY GOOD care of yourself.
Here’s how I take really good care of me…
- I do not multitask – I do one thing at a time and whenever possible, I do it alone where I can’t be bothered.
- I practice intermittent fasting.
- I nap daily for 15-30 minutes.
- I workout 7 days a week from home, full body workout for the most part.
- I eat clean.
- I allow my team freedom to do what they do…without me.
- If I need a break, I take it.
- I pay attention to how my energy fluctuates and plan and act accordingly.
- I’m very clear as to who I am and what I will and will not do.
- I’m extremely thoughtful concerning who I associate with, both professionally and personally.
As a result, I am able to continuously increase my ability to endure and embrace meaningful discomfort… which includes uncomfortable decisions, conversations, and situations.
It’s where the magic happens.