For the most part, Chiropractors are a pretty awesome bunch of characters, wouldn’t you say?
They’re positive, optimistic, and health conscious, of course.
As a result, their appearance and their confidence is, in my opinion, well above average.
But since you and I strive to be the best that we can be, there is always room for improvement.
Today I’d like to share with what I have found helpful to better myself physically and mentally.
Of course, compared with most of my members and doctors out there, I’m no expert. This list is merely what I have found to have the most recent impact on my ability to look and be my best.
I’ll include a brief description. If it interests you and you’d like to learn more, I recommend “Googling” it, buy a book on Amazon of the subject, and/or see what can be found on YouTube.
Intermittent Fasting – Eating the same right foods but in a shorter time window. For example, eating from noon – 7 pm. It has proven to increase alertness, growth hormone, and create fat loss. I have found that it is the least painful way to eat less and eat right. The results are quite remarkable. But do your homework. It’s not for everyone. Regardless, as a healthcare provider, it wouldn’t hurt to learn more about it.
I Follow the Sun – I get up to greet the sun and go to bed early. Basically, I’m in bed by 8-9pm and wake up by 6 am. I also make sure that I get out of the house and office and absorb some natural sunlight each and every day- at least 20-minutes worth.
I socialize each and every morning. – I pick and choose who I spend time with very carefully and try to hit about one hour per day of enjoyable interactions with others, usually at Pete’s coffee in Danville and right before my 9 am morning phone calls. (I don’t have time for much more than that but it’s a great way for me to ease into the real world.)
Napping – I’m not kidding, I can eliminate most of the stress and fatigue accumulated throughout each day with a 20-minute nap. For me, that’s around 3 pm. Even if I don’t go to sleep…just laying down with my eyes closed does wonders. Napping increases my desire and ability to do more each afternoon. I’m also a lot more pleasant to be around.
I work out 7 days a week. – Outside or in my garage. I don’t have the time or desire to hang out at a gym. That’s just me. My brisk walks last 45 minutes and my garage workouts last about 20-30 minutes. Usually full body workouts. (Pull-ups, lunges, planks, push-ups, kettlebell, etc.)
I read a book a day, 7 days a week – Mostly personal development stuff. Includes some skimming. Every main message and idea gets written into my journal. Typically about 3 pages of written notes per book.
I’m sort of a minimalist – I love things that I can repurpose. 1 chair instead of 2, just move the chair when needed. Multipurpose spaces, as much duplication elimination as possible. Loving where I live reduces the burning desire to be somewhere else. These sorts of things.
Gratitude – I’m damn lucky to be alive and healthy. Everything else is virtually an unnecessary bonus. I don’t need to be reminded of this. I’m aware of it each and every moment. Not much gets to me, good or bad.
I only wear clothes that help me look and feel my best – All dress shirts come from I got rid of the volume and now just wear interchangeable outfits that are appropriate for my body type and age. Less is more. When styles change or things get worn out, I give away, throw away. Less waste, less replacement cost.
Well that’s pretty much it.
If you have any awesome ideas, I’m all ears. Just email them to me at
I’m always looking for ways to get more from less.